Website Terms
By reading, using or purchasing from this website (My Billie Design Studio), you indicate your acceptance and agreement to the following terms and information. If you do not accept these terms please do not use this website in any way, including reading the blog, signing up for resources offered through this site or making a digital purchase.
My Billie Design Studio LLC herein referred to as "Company", (including the website, blog, newsletter and resource library) provides content as a public service for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for working with a business consultant or other professional.
Information contained on these pages is not intended to be (and should not be taken) as advice, as the Company cannot guarantee the outcome following any of the recommendations and information the Company presents. Any statements made regarding the potential outcome are opinions only.
By continuing to use this website you acknowledge that Company cannot guarantee any particular result. Therefore, following any information or recommendations provided on this website are at your own risk.
Privacy Policy & Security
Your privacy is important. By using this site you agree to this privacy policy and understand that it is your responsibility to periodically check this policy for updates and modifications.
My Billie Design Studio only collects personally identifying information (such as name, website and email address) through its website when you specifically and knowingly provide the information (i.e., when you sign up for the newsletter, comment on a blog post, subscribe to services, submit a contact form, etc). Any information you provide is used solely for the stated purpose and will never be sold or shared with third parties without your expressed written permission. Please note, however, that your name and website will be accessible to anyone when you comment on a blog post. You may request at any time to be removed from our email list.
My Billie Design Studio's website may use "cookies" to collect information. This information is anonymous and is used for analytical and advertising purposes. You may opt out at any time by modifying your browser settings. This website contains links to other websites and My Billie Design Studio is not responsible for the privacy policies of third party websites.
This site maintains security measures to ensure your personal information is safe, including the use of an SSL certificate (noted by a green padlock icon in your URL window). The SSL certificate allows visitors to navigate the website, submit information and make purchases through a secure connection, providing extra privacy, data integrity and personal identification authentication.
Terms of Use
All photos, copy and graphic elements on this website and blog are taken, written and created by the Company (unless otherwise noted) or we have obtained proper licensing to use the elements. We are happy to have you use our photos or graphics on your site or social media, but require you provide a link back to the Company site so others can find our work too, and you may not alter the image or graphic in anyway (i.e., you cannot add a text overlay to one of our photos or graphics). All content provided on the blog is for informational purposes only and we make no guarantees that any advice given will work or suit everyone. The Company cannot be liable for any losses, damages or injuries from the display or use of this information or from information contained in any provided links.
All prices stated on this blog, shop and website are subject to change at any time and it is your responsibility to frequently check for updated pricing.
If any provision of this agreement becomes void, unlawful or unenforceable, then that provision will be excluded from this agreement and will not affect validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.
This site along with all design, photography, graphic elements and information it contains are the property of My Billie Design Studio and its contributors. All rights reserved. If you use our content elsewhere, please be sure to refer to the Company and link back to the original post or web page when applicable. The Company occasionally provides free downloads. Please do not resell, package or distribute these downloads or upload them to other websites. If you are promoting these downloads, please link back to the original post or web page.
If we use your work and it has not been credited correctly, please contact the Company at hello@melanielea.com so we can resolve the issue immediately.
Digital Products
When you purchase a digital product ("Digital Products"), you are purchasing a non-transferable, non-exclusive right to access the information provided to you. You may not publish or share the Digital Product or related log-in details with anyone else.
In the case of Squarespace Design Kits (herein referred to as "Design Kits" or "Kits"), you may not use the Kit or any Kit features for more than one website design. Purchase of a Kit grants you license to use the design for a single website. Ownership of the design remains with Company.
Company takes no responsibility for the implementation of the Digital Products or Kits, or for the outcomes of such implementation.
By purchasing access to a Digital Product or Kit, you agree to Company using your participation in publicity materials and listing your company as a customer on the Company website.
Since the Digital Products and Kits are digital in nature, refunds and transfers are not available.
This agreement has been entered into in the State of Minnesota and the validity, interpretation and legal effect of this agreement shall be governed by the laws of the state of Minnesota, applicable to contracts entered into and performed in this state. Updated August 2021