Selling Dial 101 Mini Course

Learn how to make content more sales-oriented, interesting, and FUN on Instagram 👇🏻

Selling Dial 101 Mini Course

Not sure where to start with selling through your Instagram content? Sign up for the free mini course to learn!

5 short videos to help you learn about selling through your content 👇🏻

Where most entrepreneurs get it wrong with selling 👇🏻

Most people think you need to do this to sell through content:

This viewpoint can result in selling that feels unnatural, intense, or even manipulative.


When focusing on this would actually be a lot more effective:

Can result in selling that feels more balanced, honest, and value-centered.

My name's Melanie and selling through content used to be really confusing and unnatural for me, too.

For one, I never went to marketing school. I didn’t even finish college.

I started my business as a part-time freelancer back in 2011 after getting fired from two coffee shops within a matter of months. I obviously had no clue what I was doing because back then, selling felt complicated, foreign, and weird. I was constantly doubting myself and didn’t think anyone would take my selling seriously. I didn’t think anyone would care or want to hear from me.

Then in 2018 I learned about value-centered sales and how important content can be in the process for your customers.

In 2020 I started to develop my own framework around selling, which I now call The Selling Dial.

I’ve spent a couple years teaching my Selling Dial concept inside private classes, workshops, and retreats — and now I’m finally ready to share it with the public!

The Selling Dial Mini Course is here to show you how to go from “unsure of where to start” to having a clear path towards sales through your content.

Ready to deepen your sales and content knowledge?

Ready to make content more sales-oriented and fun on Instagram?