How To Make Selling Feel More Casual And Natural
I know selling can feel like a real KICK IN THE CLAMS if ya know what I mean 👀
Selling can feel sleazy or manipulative.
You wonder if you’re annoying people.
It makes you feel weird inside.
But we’re running businesses here! It’s part of the deal, so we’ve GOT to figure the selling part out, right??
Selling used to feel really hard for me, too…until I realized selling in itself is GIVING VALUE.
With marketing, we think we have to show people we’re really valuable by putting out loads of content that connect, teaches and entertains. Those types of content ARE good to put out, but you could also sell and give value without any of those other things.
Today I’d really love to offer a new perspective on selling.
Do y’all remember pen pals? Writing letters in the mail? Writing in a diary?
Well that’s how I approach selling online!
It’s not so formal and “official”. There’s a casual, conversational air. I’m not being distant from the person I’m selling to.
3 reasons a casual approach to selling works:
I don’t try to put on a business voice, so I end up sounding like a human which — HEADS UP — people are super into.
I’m intentional about how I view my audience and clients. Y’all are humans, not transactions. People engage with me and wanna work with me because I see their humanness and make a point to show them mine.
It changes how I view selling. When I sell, I look at it as inviting you to a party with no strings attached.
Selling is like a party because…
It’s no big deal if 👇🏻
You’ve already got something planned (aka you’re going to another party or it’s not a convenient time for you).
You don’t have anything to wear (aka it’s ok to come as you are).
You can’t get a ride to the party (aka you don’t have the means to invest).
You just don’t feel like coming (aka you get to live your life and do whatever the fuck you want).
I’m still gonna invite you because I designed the party (aka whatever I’m selling) to be something you’ll appreciate. (By the way this is true no matter if I’m promoting something free or something paid).
I feel confident inviting someone because I design my parties (offers) to be something that leaves you feeling ✨energized. I design them so that when I invite you to another party down the road, it’s an easy “HELL YES AND CAN I BRING A FRIEND?”
Also, I don’t sell shit that I’m not really excited about. If you had a party that you weren’t excited about, you’d *dread* sending invites, right??
The exact same thing can be said of selling. If you don’t understand why someone would be excited to spend money on your offers, then it’s time to go back to the drawing board to get that internal clarity you need before you start worrying about marketing and selling.
Are you ready to go out there and try on a new selling style??
Here’s an exercise to try:
Think about the type of content you like to consume (Insta stories, Tiktok, Youtube, email, etc).
Now think about 2-4 people who INSPIRE you with their content (it doesn’t matter if it’s business content or not).
For each person, write out a list of things you like. Is it something about their personality? The type of thing they’re sharing? Do you resonate with the energy level they’re at?
Even if these people aren’t selling something like you are, you can still take the things you love about them and infuse them into your business content.
When I’ve done this exercise, I realized I love people who don’t take themselves too seriously, aren’t always at a 10 with their energy levels and that it’s okay to share more silly/weird/non-business related things in my content!
I’m most active on Instagram @melanieannelea and I’d love to hear if this post resonated with you!
Be sure to follow along and let me know what your biggest takeaway was! This helps me understand what new content to create 🧡